The Drawout | Tofino, BC

Have you ever come across something in life that just felt like an immediate “YES!” - whether it was a book while walking the aisles of your favourite bookstore or a person that somehow fell into your life in the most unexpected of ways…

That’s kind of the story of how The Drawout came into my world. It was a late night discovery that brought me to this little inviting corner of Instagram - it felt safe, intentional and empowering all at once. A landing place for inspirational connections, nourishment and movement both through the heart flares that they share and the retreats that they offer.

Although I first came across the retreat in 2020, it was the unpredictable travel restrictions that prevented me from hitting Register Now, only to find out that they had called it off and would reschedule in the new year. I can’t even tell you how many times I would go to their website or Instagram to see if a new date had been chosen - it was the light at the end of the COVID lockdown tunnel for me and a trip I had my heart set on taking.

This is my dear friend and Tofino travel pal Mallory aka Mawree, we’ve known each other since grade school. She’s that friend that will spend hours with you on the phone helping you navigate the tough stuff, the one who cheers you on for finally “doing the thing”, and the young at heart gal who will remind you that you’re never too old to learn something new. Mawree makes me laugh A TON, and I love how she is always up for anything. She’s a free spirit and a badass theatre tech.

Oh, and here is the Tofino playlist that we had on repeat for all of the in-between travel moments - from getting ready in the morning with coffees in hand to driving around on the island with our surfboards strapped to the roof of our Jetta.

Stay: The Shoreline

The Shoreline was unlike any accommodation I’ve experienced - it felt like coming home to a family cottage but one out of a magazine…with the best views and surfer vibes we didn’t want to ever leave. We stayed in A-Frame 4, which had a cozy Queen-sized bed + single bed nook and a full kitchen! Every morning we used the french press to brew the Tofino Roasting Co. Coffee they provided -SO GOOD! chef’s kiss*

Movement: Surfing & Hikes

Getting out in the water with a full wetsuit on from head to toe was for sure one of our favourite parts of this trip! It’s hard to not instantly feel like a kid again when you’re out in the ocean, playing in the waves!

I’ll be honest, it was a lot of being pummelled and trying to learn from our mistakes each time but those few magical moments when we made it onto our knees or feet even if only for a second or two made it all worth it! It’s a blast, and so exhausting - I can’t wait to get back in the water someday!

All of our surf rentals came from Long Beach Surf Rentals - since we were newbies we went with beginner 8’ longboards and because it was October we opted for the 5/3 thickness suit, gloves, boots and hood! You feel unstoppable out in the water - it’s rad!

Yoga & Meditation:
Bridget Reichert

〰️ @theshorelinetofino | 👩🏼‍💻 @vans | 🙏🏼 500 hr @turfliving // @the.drawout

“The ever-effervescent Bridget Reichert is a ball of walking human light. The long-time sales & marketing rep and exec for Vans is many things: an athlete, yoga teacher, breathwork practitioner, co-founder of women’s retreat The Drawout, and co-founder of the quaint and cozy Shoreline Tofino.”… May Globus

Learn more of Bridget’s story as May Globus sits down with her on The Craft podcast.

Sound Healing: May Globus

founder | host/producer | certified sound therapist
podcast + connection @wearethecraft
sound therapy studio @otohealing

“Inquisitive is May Globus’ natural state. A former fashion / lifestyle journalist, she followed her curiosity into marketing, branding, and communications for over a decade, working both with and within social impact companies and corporations across North America. She is also a certified sound therapist with her own practice, oto healing, with future expansion plans into Toronto and cities worldwide.

That natural curiosity? It led May back to what she loves most about journalism: connecting with subjects. Out of deep, inspired life conversations she has on the regular with creative and entrepreneurial friends in her world, The Craft podcast came into being.”

The Drawout…

Putting into words an experience like this one feels big

The drawout gave me space

space to feel all the things that I haven’t allowed myself to feel for a very long time or maybe ever

space to get to know myself better

space to hold my heart

space to hold others hearts

space to play whether it be in waves or in nature

the time to do things that I craved as a kid and certainly don’t make enough time for as an adult

space to breathe…like the really deep breaths that I never take time for but my body craves

space for friendship, new and old

space for discovery

space for human understanding, equilibrium

a place where I could better understand and be reminded of the shared human experience - trauma, grief and heartache

a place to meet complete strangers that turn into people that feel like friends and family because of held, shared…space

a place to let go of all of the shit that doesn’t matter to get back to our souls and the soul of nature, and this planet.

“At The Drawout we feel that conscious and positive shifts in our perspectives, habits and rituals are most potent when we are having fun along the way. Through our retreats, we facilitate light and approachable introductions to a collection of holistic modalities to help us do just that. These modalities include yoga, breath work, meditation, outdoor adventure, and workshops designed to help us ease up and chill out.

All offerings are aimed to empower guests to build the bridges of connection back to finding their unique space of peace - back to their true self.”


We flew from Toronto to Comox and jumped in a rental car to continue the journey to Tofino. I have to tell you, as soon as we landed we were gushing over the beauty that is Vancouver Island. Yes, it was raining as October is considered the rainy season but it didn’t bother us one bit!

The pace of life just seemed to slow down as soon as we stepped off the plane - our exhales somehow felt a little longer and deeper. In my body, it felt like coming home - I knew I was where I was supposed to be.

As we made our way towards Tofino we found ourselves pointing out something we loved or couldn’t believe around every bend, eyes wide, hearts open, and squeals of disbelief that after only a few hours we had landed in breathtaking British Columbia.

Side note: The one road into Tofino was under construction so we had to park the car and wait for hours for the road to open up again - we took this time to…

  • run down the road in the rain with our arms thrown towards the sky

  • play old high school tunes and have a full on concert in the car

  • eat all the snacks that we had packed for the plane ride
    {we made the most of it and laughed a lot}

“The Shoreline is a boutique oceanfront resort in the heart of Tofino, nestled between old-growth cedars, hanging on the edge of the shore. Originally built in the late 1960's the property & its architecture are the definition of cabin vibes. A rich natural landscape surrounds the property which consists of an A-frame house and two A-frame cabins. With modern surf shack cool, the comforts of home, and thoughtful touches they offer an inspiring yet laid back feel.”

Stunning forest hikes led to secluded beaches - a sacred place where we would sit in circle to catch our breath from the hustle of everyday life and reconnect with ourselves and nature.

Breath Work: Lauren Ryan

@the.drawout / Brand Manager @itsblume

“Lauren's passion for helping people cultivate trust in their healing journey started when she learned how to Freedive. It wasn’t until she felt for herself the shift happening in her body and mind through various breathing techniques, that she realized the potential we have to navigate our own path in grief and self-discovery. As a Meditation Teacher, End-Of-Life-Doula, and Breathwork facilitator, Lauren brings a directed and compassionate approach to facing grief and trauma we often harbour internally. By gently welcoming these energies through and out of the body, she works on helping individuals transition from an unbalanced nervous system, towards a state of equilibrium both emotionally and on a cellular level.”

Conscious City Guide

Nourish: Taylor Godber

Athlete @thenorthface_snow | Co-creator @the.drawout | Nourisher | Writer @mountainlifemedia

“Taylor Godber is the best. She’s the real deal and such a force on a mountain, a wave, when she puts her pen to paper or cuts up food and makes it taste as good as it looks. Oh and she’s an artist…”
The Lawless Podcast

Learn more of Taylor’s story in an interview on The Lawless Podcast.

Check out Taylor’s website here


A Life Well-Lived


Killbear Provincial Park: Autumn Camping