Killbear Provincial Park: Autumn Camping

Fall camping in northern Ontario can be a bit of a gamble as the temperatures are chilly and the forecast is pretty rainy BUT, a last-minute decision with some best friends to book a site at Killbear Provincial park was definitely the right decision.

Between the beautiful drive out there, with a 90’s essentials playlist on, the hilarious tarp/tent setup that had us wanting to laugh and cry at the same time and the loon calls on the Georgian Bay - this trip was one for the books!

Our autumn camping playlist is here.

“Maybe I’ll settle in a sleepy town.

The kind that the campers and cottagers roll out of bed for a drive to, with sweats and imperfect hair.

Stumbling in with layers of sweaters and long johns to look at the same maple syrup and vacation town hoodies that somehow feel like home.

Maybe the sight of the familiar regulars stepping in each season mixed with a sprinkling of the bright-eyed adventurers will be where my heart will stay.

The nature lovers, the healers, the late night star-gazers and keepers of the fire.

Visiting the places where time has no meaning and the scent of campfire never really gets washed away.

Yah, maybe I’ll settle in a sleepy town...”
{words from my notes app on this trip📝}


The Drawout | Tofino, BC


How The West Was Wild...